I'm New Here

Here’s a snapshot of a typical Sunday morning worship:

  • A time of worship in song
  • Times of prayer
  • The public reading of scripture
  • A lesson from the scriptures
  • A celebration of Christ’s death through the observance of communion
  • An opportunity to give and support the works of Cullman
  • An opportunity to meet with our church shepherds or ministers if you desire
  • Our song service is a cappella, meaning that we sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments. We simply want everyone to worship God in the purest way possible, focused on praise to our heavenly Father (1 Corinthians 4:15; Ephesians 5:18, 19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 2:12). All songs will be displayed on two large screens. We hope you will find the singing worshipful and meaningful. We invite everyone to participate.

  • Prayer is an important part of our gatherings. As followers of Jesus, we believe in the power of prayer, and we often pray for specific needs and requests. We support and practice the Christian discipline of prayer and fasting and encourage all Christ followers to participate individually and with the fellowship that meets at Cullman.

  • The sermon will likely be from 25 to 35 minutes in length. We believe you will find it refreshingly Bible centered. We display the scriptures on large screens so you can easily follow along.

  • Inviting worshipers to make a commitment for Jesus will be a part of the sermon. At the close of the lesson, the speaker will extend an invitation. He will encourage those who wish to respond to come to the front of the auditorium or visit privately with our elders while the congregation sings. Some of our elders will be at the front to meet and minister to any who respond. Some may respond for baptism, some to confess sins, and some to ask for prayer for a specific need. Several people may respond, but sometimes no one goes forward. 

    If anyone responds and wants to be baptized, you will witness the baptism during the service. The baptism will be by immersion (Acts 8:35-39; Romans 6:3, 4; Colossians 2:12) for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38).

  • The Lord’s Supper will be included in the worship service every Sunday. The reason for this practice is our desire to follow New Testament teaching. The first-century church celebrated this observance on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7).

    At Cullman, baptized believers participate in the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. If you choose not to participate, do not be embarrassed. The Lord’s Supper is the original way of remembering the sacrifices Jesus made on our behalf.

  • Each week, we collect the financial offering (1 Corinthians 16:1, 2). As our guest, you are not expected to make a contribution. 

  • We place no expectations on our guests. You are welcome to participate, but please do not feel obligated to do so. As our guest, you are welcome to participate in any non-leadership activities, including service activities, Bible classes, and discussion groups.

    Should you decide to place membership at Cullman, you will meet with one or more of our elders. This allows them to learn a little about your desire to become a part of this body of believers and to answer any questions you may have regarding membership. The New Testament church clearly expected every believer―every committed follower of Jesus Christ―to be committed to his or her local fellowship.


Thank you for your interest in making the Cullman Church of Christ your church home. As shepherds of this church, we feel that the best way to welcome you is to meet you in person. Therefore, we ask everyone who desires to place membership with our church family to please fill out this form. After submitting your form, someone will contact you to schedule a “get-to-know-you” meeting with the elders. We look forward to meeting you. -The Cullman Elders